Lake Links
Garner Lake Management, LLC (GLM) is the non-profit volunteer organization that owns Garner Lake and operates it for the benefit of lake residents. GLM tends to the maintenance and management of Garner Lake, collects the annual fees from property owners, sells the boat stickers, hires the lake ranger, and sets the lake rules. (GLM purchased Garner Lake on 12/29/17 from the for-profit company, Lake Management Association, Terry Edwards president.)
Garner Lake Association (GLA, aka Garner Lake Home Owners Association) is a non-profit organization that owns Garner Lake Management (GLM). It is a volunteer organization dedicated to preserving the beauty, safety, and enjoyment of the lake as well as the values of surrounding properties. GLA volunteers often take on such chores as controlling weed growth in the lake, clearing the lake drain, and alerting government agencies to erosion and pollution. The organization is funded by residents’ donations (which are most appreciated). GLA’s website is garnerlake.com
The official lake rangers are Chris Murphy (901) 486-3296, Brian Hale (901) 229-6744, and Jonny Filsinger (901) 417-1820.
Everything Garner Lake is a Facebook page about “lake living, fun events/activities on or around lake, houses for sale on lake, lost boats, Garner Lake Association notices, questions, great photos, and important info. All things Garner Lake!”
Garner Lake Fireworks is a volunteer association that organizes, promotes, and assembles funds for the annual Fourth of July fireworks & celebration. The fireworks are completely funded by donations. www.garnerlakefireworks.com is their website.
East Shores Home Owners Association comprises approximately 70 home and property owners of the East Shores subdivision on the northeast shore line. ESHOA.com is their website, hosting pictures, news, covenants, and concerns of the subdivision.
Lakeland Estates Homeowners Association, or LEHOA, represents the approximately 290 property owners on the northwest shore line and maintains a website at lehoalakelandtn.weebly.com/.
Windward Slopes Homeowners Association‘ maintains an active website at windwardslopes.org and a Facebook page.
The Preserve has only ~15 property owners. They’ve had website and Facebook pages but they’re not active at this time.
Lakeland PartyQ is a group of lake residents who organize the annual Garner Life BBQ contest and other lake events and donates the proceeds to various lake causes. Their website, garnerlife.com, offers Garner Life t-shirts, mugs, and other merchandise.